concept map versus mindmap

source : Le mind mapping est une technique de représentation graphique d’idées, de concepts ou d’informations. Le schéma heuristique ou carte mentale (Mind Map) part d’une idée centrale qui rayonne vers d’autres données, formant une structure radiante et arborescente. Elle est souvent agrémentée de couleurs, de graphismes et de symboles divers. Une carte conceptuelle…


SchemaAgent® 2008 analyzing and managing relationships among XML Schemas, XML instance documents, XSLT files,and WSDL files

Altova SchemaAgent® 2008 is the visionary tool for analyzing and managing relationships among XML Schemas, XML instance documents, XSLT files,and WSDL files, as well as viewing files used in Altova MapForce data mapping projects – across a project, an intranet, or even an enterprise. It allows you to visualize and manage XML file relationships easily…


Diplays map form Openstreet, NAsa, Google Yahoo, and A ZOOM and PAN : MODEST MAPS !

What Modest Maps does: Displays tile-based maps, from sources such as OpenStreetMap, NASA Blue Marble, Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, and others. Supports developer-defined tile sets in arbitrary geographical projections. Smoothly pans and zooms. Tracks the position of geographical map markers. ActionScript 2.0 codebase works with FlashLite. source :
