Ex : /忍び  "E-Μῆτις Sensei" (Strategy & Tactic) #Speaker #Facilitator #livedocumentalist (security event) #Inventor : 3D ISO RESUME & Emerge Map #Open (#Mind #Source #Data #Know #Intel #Innov) #Graphist #Photographer  #Geek  (#HQ* #Hyperactive) #ANNECY FIXER Meet: #PARIS #LYON #GENEVE #NEUCHATEL #SEOUL


Analyze statistics Analyze texts Author an interactive work Blog Brainstorm/ generate ideas Build and share collections Collaborate Collect data Communicate with colleagues Compare resources Conduct linguistic research Convert/ manipulate files Create a mashup Edit images Find research materials Focus Make a dynamic map Make a screencast Manage bibliographic information Mine data Network with other researchers…

UUWorld : Explain the world with maps Mapping // UUWorld : Mapper les donnée stastistique

UUORLD (pronounced “world”) provides an immersive mapping environment, high-quality data, and critical analysis tools. Great explanations are unfortunately scarce, but UUorld makes them easier to achieve through interactive four-dimensional maps. Our solution has three simple parts: Draw on extensive, organized data. Explore and grasp complex patterns through intuitive visual analytics. Deliver new insight with compelling…