GEOCOMMONS BETA : map the World Data
Source : PUSH by EmilIE via groupe Carto
Source : PUSH by EmilIE via groupe Carto
Visits on previous ‘day’: 184. Visits on previous ‘day’: 158.
Analyze statistics Analyze texts Author an interactive work Blog Brainstorm/ generate ideas Build and share collections Collaborate Collect data Communicate with colleagues Compare resources Conduct linguistic research Convert/ manipulate files Create a mashup Edit images Find research materials Focus Make a dynamic map Make a screencast Manage bibliographic information Mine data Network with other researchers…
UUORLD (pronounced “world”) provides an immersive mapping environment, high-quality data, and critical analysis tools. Great explanations are unfortunately scarce, but UUorld makes them easier to achieve through interactive four-dimensional maps. Our solution has three simple parts: Draw on extensive, organized data. Explore and grasp complex patterns through intuitive visual analytics. Deliver new insight with compelling…
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Via Plusieurs Tamis … Annie nous demandera quelles améliorations nous souhaiterions voir apporté à la plateforme ECOZBIZ (74)La synthèse Faite Échangeons …. Pour rappel ECOBIZ est une plateforme Lancer par la CCI de Grenoble Suivi par de nombreuses CCI par la suite : Val-d’Oise / YvelinesDijonNormandieBordeauxNice / Côte d’AzurLoiret NDLR : Bon je remarque que…
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Link : To Daniele Orner Ginor